Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Autorisert Route 66 tur operatør

Det er mye markedsføring på nettet der man påberoper seg å være autorisert tur operatør, f eks godkjent av Harley Davidson. Dette betyr ingenting, det er kundene som "autoriserer" en turoperatør. Vi ble forespurt av Harley Davidson om å bli såkalt autorisert operatør i 2009, men takket nei etter å ha sett betingelsene for en slik "autorisasjon." Nedenfor kan du lese Michael Wallis (ubestridt Route 66 guru og definitivt en autoritet) anbefalingsbrev av oss til Harley Davidson. The Norwegian Route 66 Association (rep ved twolaneadventure.com) vil aldri knyttes til merkevarer eller andre interesseorganisasjoner utenom ideelle organisasjoner som arbeider for de forskjellige to-felts veiers ve og vel. Vi er den eneste turoperatøren som er godkjent Route 66 operatør, men som sagt tidligere, dette betyr egentlig ingenting. Det er kundens opplevelse og godkjenning som betyr noe. Trykk Les mer >> for å lese Michael Wallis anbefaling:

As an author and entertainment personality, and the acknowledged catalyst for the unprecedented revival of Route 66, I am offering my full support of Trond Moberg to serve as an Authorized Tour Operator for Harley-Davidson. Given my history and involvement with both Trond and Harley-Davidson, I am in a unique position to do so.

My wife Suzanne and I have led two major Route 66 tours for Harley Owners Group and I have been involved in several Harley-Davidson creative projects, including the development and narration of a Harley-Davidson/Route 66 documentary film. We value our friendship with many H-D employees, dealership owners and, of course, dedicated Harley riders from around the world.

I have known Trond Moberg for more than a decade and during that time I have assisted him as he has personally hosted and guided hundreds of European travelers down the length of historic Route 66. Every one of Trond’s tour participants was perched on a gleaming Harley rented from an authorized dealer in Chicago or Los Angeles, the highway’s terminal cities.

Long ago I dubbed Trond “The Gentle Viking.” The name fits. His bearing, overall personality, keen wit, and knowledge of both Harley-Davidson and Route 66 have made him an invaluable addition to the greater Mother Road family. You could not choose a better person to work with you, bar none.


Michael Wallis

P.S. This letter is also being sent by regular mail.

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